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2024-05-16 10:29:40 来源:国外网站推荐 - 由[国外网站大全]整理

  今天小编要为大家介绍的书是《吃鲷鱼让我打嗝》,作者是美国演员、剧作家和幽默小说家杰西·艾森伯格(Jesse Eisenberg)。作者十六岁开始创作剧本,出版《亚松森》《修正主义者》《战利品》和《我们所有人的一隅》四部作品。作品展现不俗的文学格调,是颇受赞誉的文学界新秀。《今日美国》对他的评价是:“杰西艾森伯格在文坛的前途就跟他在影坛一样,不可限量。”










  Lies are for adults who are sad in their lives.




  Going through a hard life with someone else is better than going through an easy life alone.




  But kids think differently than adults think. Adults have spent so many years thinking more and more like each other because the more you live with other people the less you think like yourself and the more you think like them.




  I wanted to ask her if she only took me around so that Dad would pay for her but I already knew the answer: Mom took me around because she needed me.




  Every relationship has a kind of pattern, I guess, and maybe the pattern is more important than the stuff that makes up the pattern.




  I understand why the people who work here are so angry. I guess it's like working at a gas station, but instead of cars, they have to fill up people. And people eat slowly and talk about their stupid lives at the table and make each other laugh, but when the waiters come by, the people at the table stop laughing and become quiet like they don't want to let anyone else know about their great jokes.




  If the waiters talk about their own lives, they're not allowed to talk about how bad it is, only how good it is, like, "I'm doing great, how are you?" And if they say something truthful like, "I'm doing terrible, I'm a waiter here," they will probably get fired and they will be even worse. So it's probably always a good idea to talk about things happily. But sometimes that's impossible.




  Just because someone says something doesn't mean it's true. And I think that the more someone says something, the less it's probably going to be true.




  Sometimes knowing someone really well is more important than liking them.




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