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2024-05-08 21:56:16 来源:国外网站推荐 - 由[国外网站大全]整理



  爱豆的古装美若天仙,倾国倾城,然而你只会说beautiful和handsome,词藻匮乏的你快来学学怎么用英语夸爆爱豆的古装美吧!  教你用英语花式夸爆爱豆的古装美!

  1. unsurpassable beauty 天姿国色


  I was overwhelmed by the unsurpassable beauty of Tong Liya. 我被佟丽娅的天姿国色惊艳了。


  2. drop-dead gorgeous 沉鱼落雁


  Have you seen that drama? Zhao Liying is drop-dead gorgeous in it. 你看过那个电视剧了吗?赵丽颖的美简直是沉鱼落雁啊。


  3. femme-fatale (法语词,[fam faˈtal])红颜祸水


  She acted as Yang Yuhuan in the drama, a femme-fatale in the Tang Dynasty. 她在电视剧中扮演杨玉环,唐朝的一位红颜祸水。


  4. the face that launched a thousand ships 倾国倾城 (原指荷马史诗中《特洛伊》的海伦)


  Liu Yifei has a face that could launch a thousand ships. 刘亦菲有着倾国倾城的美貌。


  5. obscure the moon and make flowers blush 闭月羞花


  The beauty of Gulinazha in that ancient costume could obscure the moon and make flowers blush. 古力娜扎身着古装简直如闭月羞花。


  6. Venus rising from the sea/Venus on a half shell 出水芙蓉 (从海中出世的维纳斯/贝壳上的维纳斯)


  The first time I saw Zheng Shuang in Swords of Legends, I thought she was like Venus rising from the sea. 第一次在《古剑奇谭》中看到郑爽,我觉得她简直是出水芙蓉啊。


  7. bright eyes and white teeth 明眸皓齿


  With bright eyes and white teeth, Dilraba's beauty captured my heart at once. 迪丽热巴明眸皓齿,一下子就抓住了我的心。


  8. a prudent gentleman of a disposition as graceful as the lustre of jade 谦谦君子,温润如玉


  Luo Yunxi is really a prudent gentleman of a disposition as graceful as the lustre of jade. 罗云熙恰如谦谦君子,温润如玉。


  9. handsome and dandy 英俊潇洒


  Li Yifeng looks so handsome and dandy in the ancient costume. 李易峰穿古装看起来十分英俊潇洒。


  10. gentle and cultivated 温文尔雅


  Gentle and cultivated as he is, Zhu Yilong never argues with others. 朱一龙温文尔雅,从来不和别人吵架。


  11. have an imposing appearance 气宇轩昂


  The man who has an imposing appearance is Chen Kun. 那个气宇轩昂的男子是陈坤。


  12. valiant and heroic in bearing 英姿飒爽


  Valiant and heroic in bearing, Wu Lei perfectly suits the character in the drama. 吴磊英姿飒爽,非常适合电视剧里的角色。


  13. The body soars lightly like a startled swan, gracefully, like a dragon in flight. 翩若惊鸿,婉若游龙。


  Yuzuru Hanyu's body soars lightly like a startled swan, gracefully, like a dragon in flight when he skates on the ice. 羽生结弦滑冰时的姿态可谓翩若惊鸿,婉若游龙。




  young and promising 年轻有为


  TFBOYS is an idol group consisting of three young and promising boys. TFBOYS是由三位年轻有为的男孩组成的偶像组合。


  caring and responsible 富有爱心、责任心


  Idols of TFBOYS are all caring and responsible, who always try their best to help other people. TFBOYS的偶像都是负责人、有爱心的,他们总是尽力去帮助别人。


  versatile 多才多艺的


  Karry Wang, Roy Wang and Jackson Yee, members of TFBOYS, are versatile artists who can sing and dance. TFBOYS的成员王俊凯、王源和易烊千玺,都是很多才多艺的艺人,既能唱歌,又会跳舞。


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