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2024-01-14 15:14:35 来源:国外网站推荐 - 由[国外网站大全]整理

One Simple Habit To “Fast Track” The Life You Want 简单的习惯,让你成为你想成为的样子!是美国作家玛丽·弗里奥(Marie Forleo)的一次视频演讲,她的《让每个男人都迷上你:如何变身万人迷》(Make Every Man Want You)已被译为7种文字在世界各地广泛传播,她的作品经常出现在《时代周刊》、《纽约时代》、《福布斯》等杂志和美国N、福布斯、HSN网站上。


[One Simple Habit To “Fast Track” The Life You Want]

她还是美国知名情感专家,众多主流女性杂志《悦己》、《女性健康》的最佳拍档,曾任美国有线电视新闻网(N)节目的情感专家,且在福克斯电视网(Fox News Online)主持情感专栏。她是身跨多行业的生活导师,她是知名作家、演讲家、企业家,同时还是生活教练、塑身教练和舞者/编舞,是位魅力四射的多面手。

1. Hey there, it's Marie Forleo and you are watching MarieTV. 嗨,我是Marie Forleo而你在收看的是MarieTV,

2. Yes, the place to be to create a business and a life that you love. 没错,就是你可以学会创造你热爱的事业与生活的地方。

3. And this is Q&A Tuesday. ​​今天带来的是星期二的问与答!

4. That means we get Q's and we have A's. 也就表示我们会有问题,我们也会有答案。

5. And today's question comes from Miss Lori and she writes: 今天的提问来自Lori小姐,她写道:

6. “Marie, you're awesome and I love your work,” thank you so much. 「Marie妳棒极了,我爱妳的作品」非常谢谢妳,

7. “I'm clear on my goals and take daily action towards my dreams,


8. so motivati​​on and productivity are not an issue. 「所以企图心还有效率不会是我的问题,」

9. However, and this is a big however, 「但是,」这个是很强烈的但是,

10. I'm bothered by this constant, uncomfortable feeling gnawing at me reminding me that right now I'm not where I want to be.


11. I know it's important to stay in the present and there's probably no 'there' so to speak,


12. but I have a hard time not being annoyed and dissatisfied with the present when it does not match my overall vision for my life.


13. Thanks. Lori.” 「谢谢妳!Lori」

14. Lori, fantastic question. I really love your nod to the fact that there's no "there" so to speak. Lori,


15. Very wise and very true. 非常有智慧,也非常真实。

16. I also really relate to your struggle because when I was first starting my business,


17. I spent years bartending and waiting tables and doing personal assistant work


18. and finding myself totally frustrated that I wasn't where I wanted to be yet.


19. So I remember back in those days just feeling completely deflated and, you know what?


20. That repetitive thought pattern was actually what was holding me back. 其实那个不断反覆的想法才是真正禁锢我的东西。

21. I didn't realize it, but I was training myself to be both miserable and mediocre.


22. But then everything changed once I realized what a huge mistake I was making with that ants in my pants attitude.


23. Here's why. It's because of this tweetable. 原因就是这则tweetable:

24. "Showing up fully, exactly where you are, is the fastest way to get where you want to go."


25. Here's the reality check that hit me like a ton of bricks. 这就是个对我来说犹如当头棒喝的事实。

26. All of the joy and excitement and fun that we want in life never comes from external circumstances.


27. It always comes from the energy and the attention and the consciousness that we bring into each and every moment.


28. So Lori, I talked about this a lot and if you really want to solve this problem I need you to go read page 10 in my book "Make Every Man Want You".

所以Lori,我已经对此着墨甚多,而如果妳真的很想解决这个问题,我需要请妳去翻一下我的书《让每个男人都渴望妳》里的第10页。 .

29. It's all about making is-ness your business. 那全都是关于「把当下的事当作​​你的事」。

30. So what does that mean? 所以那是什么意思?

31. Making is-ness your business means that you show up in each moment and you do this moment like you friggin' mean it.


32. That means you bring your A game. 代表你把整付心力都投下去。

33. That means you brings your full enthusiasm, your attention, your love to whatever you're doing, wherever you are, and whoever you're with.


34. Why? Because all pain and frustration and annoyance in our life comes from resisting the moment.


35. It comes from saying, “This moment isn't how it should be.” 来自于说:「这个当下不是它该是的样子。」

36. But guess what? The moment already is. 但你猜怎样?这个当下已经是了。

37. So you only have two choices in life: 所以你对于人生只有两个选项:

38. You can either resist it and be friggin' miserable, or you can engage with the moment and have a damn good time.


39. In fact, make it an engagement party. 事实上,办个订婚趴算了。 2015/3/4 列印版简单的习惯,让你成为你想成为的样子!

40. You guys, I'm engaged......with the moment! 嘿大家,我订婚了.......跟当下订婚!

41. That's right. You gotta love the moment. 那就对了,你得爱上每个时刻才行。

42. Put a ring on it! 不如跟它结个婚!

43. Because the truth is, you can feel fully alive in any situation or you can feel like total crap in any situation.


44. It's not the circumstances, it's actually what you bring to them.


45. Once I really got this I was so much happier.


46.​​ I was performing in my jobs better and ironically everything that I wanted to create in my future started happening a lot faster.


47. So that was my A to your Q, Lori. I really hope it helps.


48. So now I'd love to hear from you, a little two parter for us today.


49. So where in your life can making is-ness your business really support you?


50. And number two, got any great stories to share about where you've really honored where you are and where you want to be?


51. As always, the best discussions happen af​​ter the episode over at MarieForleo.com,


52. so why don't you come on over and leave a comment now.


53. Did you like this video? If so, subscribe to our channel and it would be amazing if you shared this with all of your friends.


54. I'd be so grateful. And if you want even more awesome resources to create a business and a life that you love,


55. plus some personal insights from me that I only get to talk about in email,


56. come on over to MarieForleo.com and make sure you sign up for email updates.


57. Stay on your game and keep going for your dreams because the world needs that special gift that only you have.


58. Thank you so much for watching and I'll catch you next time on MarieTV. 非常谢谢你的收看,我们下次的MarieTV再见了。【中英视频字幕来自于voicetube】 Voicetube网站介绍


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