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2023-12-17 12:14:11 来源:国外网站推荐 - 由[国外网站大全]整理



Happiness is not the absence of problems, it’s the ability to deal with them.

Problems are not the reason why a person lives a difficult and miserable life; most of the time, it’s a matter of perspective. Because often, majority of people let problems defeat them through feelings of anger, fear and anxiety. These negative feelings paralyze a person to move forward and take a step in resolving the problem.

On the other hand, perspective is also the reason why there are people who succeed despite struggles and difficulties in life. It’s because those who succeed knows how to resolve or manage problems when it arises. They don’t let the negative emotion of anger, doubt, fear or anxiety interfere their ability to think of the solutions and take the next step.

If you get easily paralyzed and depressed by the problems in your life, take time to read and follow these seven steps in resolving problem. It can help you rise above the difficulties, move on positively and eventually achieve success in life.


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