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Alessandro Puccinelli 心爱的小房车 移动的小家

发布于:2018-10-13 23:51:23 栏目:插画 点击: 国外网站 - 国外网站大全整理

食物之间也有绝配一说,例如培根和鸡蛋、咖啡与甜甜圈、通心粉和奶酪,每对都是一种完美的美食组合,Philip Tseng 从生活中挖掘美食中的绝配并制作了一副插画组合,告诉人们那种食物是最受人喜欢的绝配美食。

Philip Tseng 美味食物配对插画集

Bacon and eggs, coffee and doughnuts, macaroni and cheese—each pair is a perfect culinary combination that our taste buds can't deny, and neither can illustrator Philip Tseng. That's why the talented graphic designer has created an adorable series, aptly titled Taste Buds, showing us a cute collection of some of the best food combos around.

Philip Tseng 美味食物配对插画集1

This illustration series of delicious pairings was created for Tseng's first group gallery show at iam8bit in Los Angeles. Now, each whimsically delightful duo is now available to purchase as a print through iam8bit's online store.

Philip Tseng 美味食物配对插画集,培根和鸡蛋

Philip Tseng 美味食物配对插画集,咖啡和甜甜圈

Philip Tseng 美味食物配对插画集,汉堡和薯条

Philip Tseng 美味食物配对插画集,通心粉和奶酪

Philip Tseng 美味食物配对插画集,鸡肉和华夫饼

Philip Tseng 美味食物配对插画集,薯片和番茄酱
