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2024-04-19 09:52:37 来源:国外网站推荐 - 由[国外网站大全]整理




1. Life is short, I would love to continue making this mistake with you .人生短暂,我愿和你将错就错。

2. We are not really breaking up,we are just going to separate for a while.We might get toghter again in the end.我们不是真的分手,只是暂时分开一段时间,最后还会在一起。

3.Are you going to get used to no one driving you insane?没有人再作弄你你会习惯吗?

4. I might never find someone who treats me as good as you did.我再也找不到一个人,能像你那样对我好。

5.You can be as sweet as an angel, but when you are a jerk,you are the biggest jerk on the earth..可爱的时候 你像天使;可恨的时候 你像魔鬼。

6.You are looking for relationship, I am looking for marriage.你寻找的是爱情,我寻找的是婚姻。

7. We weren’t on the same page since the beginning.我们从一开始就不在一个平面上。

8. Whoever said that you can be friends after breaking up.生意散了交情还在。

9. I will always think the best of you.我永远想着你的好

10.Everything was like a dream.一切都像一场梦。

11.I can’t put into words how good this feels.这种感觉难以言表。

12. You need to put yourself in the businessmen’s shoes.在商言商。

13. The North Pole is not going to be melt in anything soon, and even if it does, the baby penguins are gong to be fine.北极一时半会儿融化不了,即便融化了,企鹅宝宝也会安然无恙。

14. Why don’t penguins even get eaten by polar bears? Because penguins live at the South Pole . They will never run into any polar bears.为什么北极熊不吃企鹅宝宝呢? 因为企鹅宝宝生在在南极,永远也不会碰到北极熊。( 这个最幽默了)

15. It feels so terrible to own someone.亏欠别人的感觉真难受。

16. Love can not be forced.爱不能强求。

17. I just want die with dignity.我想死的有尊严。

18. All I can do is to answer.我只能服从。

19. I gave up too much to make money this life.And I don’t want her to waste anytime working for money . Not even for a minute.我这一生为挣钱付出太多了,我不想让她(我女儿)再为钱浪费任何时间,一分钟也不行。

20. Life is spiritual journey. 人生就是修行。

21. I care about you the most, I want you to be happy .我最关心你。 我最希望你幸福。

22. If you don’t mind, just buy me a shurb, put my ashes inside, and plant a bunting, put in a corner of the office. It’ll grow fast and tall for sure.如果你不介意,给我买一个花盆,把我的骨灰放在里面,再种上一棵绿萝,放在办公室的一角,我保证它绝对疯长。

23. I don't mind dead people, it’s the living ones that bother me .死人我不介意,倒是对活人我很介意。

24. I am not afraid of death, but I am afraid the living might become more unbearable than death.我不怕死,我怕生不如死。

25. I will make sure you leave with dignity.我保证让你尊严的离开。



Let me introduce myself for you. I'm a man whose age is no longer young, living a moderately well-off life, who doesn't drink but smoke. I went abroad as a student and spent more than a decade living abroad, but never attended a real education. In wasting time, I learned all sorts of ways to make a living. Now I returned with no achivement at all. To tell you the truth, I should be judged as a “Fake Turtle" without the three--No company, no stocks and no degree. My personality is open;My character is neither good nor bad. I'm not exactly an honest man, but I am without much courage since I was born. Even it is not illegal to kill, I wouldn't kill anyone. My conscience will be tortured by the guilt if I do anything cruel to others。I am meant not to be a villain, even if I try to be one. In general and basically, I'm still one of those who are beneficial and harmless to the mankind and our society.


Contact me by phone, if you're the one.


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