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2023-12-17 10:50:51 来源:国外网站推荐 - 由[国外网站大全]整理

经验不是创造 | 而是不断去实践,You cannot Create Experience;作为成年人,我们更加倾向于进入核心的竞争力领域中去发挥自己的能力,当然并不是梦想成真的,经验需要去实践来获得更多的成功几率。


You cannot create experience. You must undergo it.

When we’re children, we learn (and fail) all the time. We fall off bikes, scrape knees, add sums incorrectly, and tell someone we have a crush on them when they’re clearly not interested (*cringe*). That’s just what kids do.

As adults, we tend to move into areas of core competency, sigh a breath of relief (Hooray! No more feeling like I’m constantly failing at everything!), and then promptly stagnate. This, of course, is the quickest route towards the kind of career and life experiences that feel just kind of, well, “meh.” In order to keep yourself engaged and motivated, it’s important to continually form new and unexpected neural connections.

Fortunately, in the internet age, it’s not just easy to learn, but also to learn from other people, so you’ll have a model to go from and you won’t feel so alone in your endeavors. Here are 4 tips for doing just that.
